
Mary Ann CARROLL (1940-2019) ✿

Mary Ann Carroll (1940 - 2019) is an American landscape artist from Sandersville, Georgia, and grew up in Fort Pierce, Florida. Mary Ann Carroll is the only woman among a notable group of Florida Artists known as the Highwaymen.

She always liked to draw, but when as a young girl she met Harold Newton, she became interested in painting. She attended night classes at Means Court School in Fort Pierce. Carroll eventually had seven children and worked at numerous odd jobs to support them, while continuing to paint.

In the early days, she would put her paintings in her 1964 Buick Electra and go around the state to sell. Her first paintings bear the signature “M. A. Snead,” referring to her maiden name. She was pastor of the Foundation Revival Center in Fort Pierce and also an accomplished musician.

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