
✿ Anthony ACKRILL ✿

Si espande
il sereno tra le gote mie
la vita sento
sfuggirmi tra le tue mani
come una nuvola
soffice, indolore
riprendo la mia pelle
la bellezza ricompongo
a ciuffi di candida luna
mi spalanco dinnanzi all'alba...
~ Catherine La Rose ~

Anthony Ackrill was born in Alaska in 1958, but spent most of his childhood in Florida and Ohio. He decided to pursue painting at a relatively late age.  Subsequently, he studied graphic design, and worked as an art director at an established advertising agency. In addition, he designed his own line of humorous greeting cards, which sold internationally. Following this period, Mr. Ackrill began to study drawing and painting on his own. After winning awards in several local and regional art contests, as well as selling some of his paintings, he sought a more formal education to help develop his talent. Mr. Ackrill found an excellent atelier-styled school for artists in Florence, Italy and enrolled in late 1995, at the age of 37. In his second year in Florence, Mr. Ackrill began teaching anatomy to his fellow students, and then also taught drawing and painting. After five years of painting and teaching in Florence Italy, he returned to Florida last year, where he now has his own studio.

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