

Emil Rosenstand (19 February 1859, Holstebro - 12 April 1932, Dresden) was a Danish-German genre and landscape painter, draftsman and etcher. He was the son of Emil Rosenstand and began an apprenticeship as a wood sculptor at the age of 14.

In 1875 he attended at the art academy in Copenhagen and came to the newly founded German Empire at a young age, where he lived for over 40 years. At the age of 24 he exhibited his first oil painting, later specializing mainly in illustrations and watercolors. After a long stay in Berlin, he moved to Heidelberg and finally to Baden-Baden. Germany became his second home.
From 1891 to 1895 he lived in Italy due to illness. Here he created a series of illustrations and watercolors. At first he worked as a freelancer for the Ffluge Blatter and other German magazines, including Daheim and the Leipziger Illustrierte Zeitung. After the end of the First World War, he moved from Baden-Baden to Dresden, the capital of Saxony.
In addition to landscape paintings, genre-like depictions, society and coffee house scenes were his main motifs as a painter. As a draftsman and etcher, he designed the illustrations for several books. These include the publications Barbarentöchter by Charlotte Niese and Collected Stories by Ottilie Wildermuth.

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