
István ZSIGMOND ~ Digital Painting ✿

Zsigmond István is an Hungarian artist, born in Budapest in 1964 and engaged in drawing, painting, digital painting, literature and music for 25 years, from the early 1990s.
"Since the beginning of the 1990's I paint, draw and compose music too.
In 1995 I published my first book of poems titled "Trágár kocsisok bakján" ("On the dickey seats of nasty dickey's").
I am the founding member of the X-Art and the Poly art association and also the SZAK Studio art company".

"I live and create in the cities called Százhalombatta and Érd (in Hungary) for more than 25 years.
I have attended on numerous exhibitions.
My pictures are made with a special technique, that I invented.
This special technique includes both the traditional aquarelle and the modern digital techniques' as well.
The final touch on my pictures made with a technique called giclée".

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