
Meredith MARSONE ~ Love and Loveless ✿

se tu
baciassi me
l'adagiar di palpebre
sul dorso delle mie
piumeggiarti il cuore
d'anima già
ebbra d'Amore...

~ Catherine La Rose© ~

Tu bussa intanto alla mia porta
se ti trovi a passare
che con l'Amore stretto tra le dita
ti aspetto, dall'altra parte del mondo...

~ Catherine La Rose© ~

Meredith Marsone, 1977 is a contemporary artist from New Zealand that working in oils. Her subject matter centres around the figure as they move through the myriad of human experiences.
Marsone’s work is at once accessible and relatable but leaves the audience wondering the deeper context. She purposefully leaves this up to the mind of the viewers encouraging them to create their own narrative and meaning from the figures in their chaotic and emotive environs.

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