
Harold H. PIFFARD (1867-1938) ✿

Non credevo di leggere la mia anima tra l'aria di un frullo d'ali...
~ Catherine La Rose© ~
Harold H. Piffard (1867–1938) was a British artist and aviator. Several of his works have been sold at auction, such as Ottoman Beauty with a Butterfly sold in 2015 for $9,080.
Piffard flew his Humming Bird aircraft from Shoreham Airport in 1910 and the airport was born.  Piffard was previously a student of Lancing College and this may have been one of the reasons for the choice of airfield.
Piffard accompanied Robert Sherard when the later was doing the research for his book The White Slaves of England (1897).
Piffard wrote to the owners of the establishments visited, asking permission to draw naturalistic sketches, which in all but one case were allowed. However, when the United Alkali Company refused permission, he joined Sherard in climbing over the wall.

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