Viktor Sheleg, Abstract painter was born in 1962 in Lomonosov, near Leningrad, Russia.

His family moved to Latvia when he was three. Victor has been drawing since early childhood and started
painting at the age of twelve.
Self-taught, his creativity is based on his personal worldview, which earned him a solid
reputation as an independant artist.
Sheleg developed his style and esthetic preference in a country isolated from the rest
of the world and know for its climate of conformity.
The artist himself says that his work is inspired by chaos and that his painting is guided
by emotions and energy.
painting at the age of twelve.
Self-taught, his creativity is based on his personal worldview, which earned him a solid
reputation as an independant artist.
Sheleg developed his style and esthetic preference in a country isolated from the rest
of the world and know for its climate of conformity.
The artist himself says that his work is inspired by chaos and that his painting is guided
by emotions and energy.
I have one of this picture for sale