

S'apprestano i giorni a venire
senza che tu
ne faccia ritorno
con la tua mole vittoriana navigante
per le terre più lontane e sconosciute
e non accorgerti mai
che io...
sono il tuo buon vento
tuo mare profondo dell'anima
da spingere oltre...
~ Catherine La Rose©2018 ~
tratto da "La veliera del cuore"

Dmitry Lisichenko was born into a musical family in Moscow in 1976. He attended the Moscow Art Lyceum, and later the Moscow State Academic Art Institute (known as the Surikov Art Institute), where he came under the influence of the distinguished professors Eugeny Maximov and Ivan Lubennikov. He worked initially as a restorer, repainting the famous murals of Moscow Cathedral, and undertaking commissions to paint and restore others in numerous Moscow churches. His first works on canvas were simple, lyrical compositions, and it was some time before he developed his current interest in romantic and genre subjects, with their meditative and often enigmatic women in atmospheric interiors.

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