
✿ Sally TRUEMAN ✿

  'Appoggiati a me
silenziosa e placida
ad addormentare il respiro
prendi il mio battito
accordaci dentro il tuo
e nel divenire melodia
fammi sentire che ci sei...
primula mia d'Amore...'

~ Catherine La Rose©2012 ~

'E tu...
frusciante naviglio
mi scorri immaginario nel mare 
a fare prua verso
la rotta del piacere...
Risuonano gemiti
l'acqua confusa
che sbatte ovunque
e gode...
La sento ridere
a schiamazzo sotto i piedi...'

Catherine La Rose©2011
tratto da "L'invito"

Sally Trueman was born in 1960 and studied at The University of Brighton (England).
In 2000 Sally and her family moved to the South of France, where she was commissioned to do a series of large canvases depicting the landscape and colour of the region. This had a profound influence on her working style, which can be seen in her interpretation of nudes in water and beach scenes, which she has become well-know for today.
Sally’s work makes up part of the Museum Carcassonne and the Brighton Museum collections. She has had her paintings published in a number of magazines and books including Artists and Illustrator and The Neurobiology of Painting by F. Clifford Rose.

2 commenti:

  1. Very beautiful. The female form is glorious by itself, but transformed by insightful artists it becomes something even greater.


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