E non passerà
fiumi di capelli
che ancora ti sento
di spighe d'oro tra le dita
imprigionarmi la mente...
~ Catherine La Rose©2012 ~
Tratto da "In assenza di te"
fiumi di capelli
che ancora ti sento
di spighe d'oro tra le dita
imprigionarmi la mente...
~ Catherine La Rose©2012 ~
Tratto da "In assenza di te"

His exceptional talent caught the eye of the Palace and Darren was honoured with an official commission to paint HM Queen Elizabeth II. The portrait was unveiled in September 2011 to mark the Queen's 85th birthday and was presented as part of the British Legion's 90th birthday.
Darren's work is held in various collections around the world, showing regularly in London. In 2000 he was appointed official artist of the Professional Footballer's Association and he has a commission from the League Managers' Association to do a series of portraits for their hall of fame.
Darren has also been appointed official artist for the 2012 Olympics
Recently nominated by the Princes Trust to paint HRH The Queen, Darren Baker is the latest winner of the Yorkshire Television's Young Achiever Award.
In the last eight years Darren Baker has completed over fifty portraits for both private and public clients. His portraits of Prince Charles and Tony Blair hang in St James Palace and 10 Downing Street respectively.
Darren Baker is one of the country's leading painters within the classical realism genre.
He has received commissions from famous politicians, sports personalities and high profile celebrities, Steven Gerrard the England midfielder and Liverpool captain, Freddie Flintoff the English Cricketer, and Naseem Hamed of turbulent boxing fame. He was appointed official artist of The Professional Footballer's Association in the year 2000.
Darren has received numerous awards including best artist at The fine art trade guild ceremony in London and The Garrick Prize, Christies, London. His work has been selected by one of the world’s foremost artists Anthony Green to be seen at the ING Discerning Eye Exhibition.
He has exhibited widely, through North America, Japan, Europe and UK.
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