1945 Born in Malaga (Spain)
1955 Entered the School of Fine Art in Malaga.
Ends studies with Honours.
1960 Attend the private tuition of master painter Alfonso de la Torre (specialist
in the Andalusian countryside and its light).During three years learn the art of painting the landscape from the natural .
1965 Enter the workshop of Pablo García Rizo, a painter specializing in the still life
paintings and flowers.
1970 Given his admiration for the master of s. XIX and painting works.For five
years works copying from the natural in the museums of Malaga, Cordoba, Seville, Granada.
This production is bought by collectors and dealers.
1980 The erudite and writer on topics related with Spanish horses ,Juan Carlos
Altamirano, suggest him to paint pictures with topics of Carthusian horses .
He. promotes the paintings in South America and among the livestock farmers.
1985 Durig five years paints exclusively for the Art Gallery “Cartel”(Málaga).
Its director, Manuel Ortega Arteaga, promotes the works in the U.S.A. performing several exibitions.
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